Coconut Kefir Yogurt
Back by popular demand (featuring our original label)! A super recipe for coconut yogurt using our probiotic as a starter! What a great way to incorporate 4+ trillion CFU and 40+ strains of naturally-occurring probiotic bacteria into one’s diet, especially for picky kids 🤣
Here's a recipe (created by Nirvana Nutrition based in Riverview, NB) that was shared by one of our customers:
* 3 tablespoons of The Cultured Coconut
* 1000 ml of boxed coconut milk (Real Thai brand which is 100% additive-free/no BPA issues associated with canned coconut milk).
Blend coconut milk until smooth and pour into a large glass jar. Stir the coconut milk kefir into the coconut milk. Cover the glass jar with cheese cloth/coffee filter and let ferment for 12-30 hours at room temperature. Stir and store in fridge to thicken for another 12-30 hours until desired consistency.